Pattachitra Hand Painting Wall Hanging Radha Krishna And Gopi On Canvas With Tassar Cloth , Wall Decor, Indian Wall Panel Painting

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    Pattachitra Hand Painting Wall Hanging Radha Krishna And Gopi On Canvas With Tassar cloth , wall decor, Indian wall panel painting: This original ‘Pattachitra Painting’ is handpainted on Canvas Cloth, It is waiting to be hung on your beautiful walls or the perfect gift to your loved ones. The traditional Pattachitra was inspired by the beautiful ancient murals painted on the wall of temples in Odisha, in Eastern India. The theme of this painting is denoted in the form of Sri Krishna rasleela . The center of this painting depicts Krishna and Radha under a tree being attended to by gopis. This painting Base color is green, by a beautiful bordering made on the ends of the painting. Paintings of this creation are usually on cloth and canvas board but nowadays its painted on wooden board also. These stories come alive by the creation of talented artists through exquisite lines and brilliant colours , peculiar by itself and rooted in great antiquity. Size: 42 x 14 inches

    Size: 42 x 14 inches

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